
The Gaza War and Solutions for the Israel-Palestine Conflict
The Gaza War and Solutions for the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Despite Joe Biden’s call, politics post October 7 in the Middle East are largely ‘consumed by rage’. Now the temporary truce in Gaza may provide a window for diplomacy. But what could an interim political solution involving the Arab world look like?

Jerusalem and the Gaza War
Jerusalem and the Gaza War

Hassan Nasrallah’s supple speech on Gaza is no reason to sound the all-clear. If violence spills over to the West Bank and Jerusalem, an all-out war would be hard to contain.

Ariel Ezrahi on the Hostages taken by Hamas
Ariel Ezrahi on the Hostages taken by Hamas

Around 200 people were taken hostage by Hamas. Their fate remains unknown. Private initiatives are trying to get them safely returned.

Israeli Policies, Palestinians and Apartheid
Israeli Policies, Palestinians and Apartheid

Today, apartheid is not a hypothetical or future scenario. A 54-year-occupation is not temporary. The threshold has been crossed. Apartheid, and parallel persecution, is the reality for millions of Palestinians.

No justice for women killed in Gaza
Femicide in Palestine

In the shade of the Palestinian Law, women in the Gaza strip are killed twice: Once by murdering them and a second time by citing inexistent evidence, allowing perpetrators to walk away with impunity.